
Kijiji Customers

Thank you for your inquiry re: our simple sites on Kijiji. We are offering three promotional simple site packages at the moment;

$60 + 1 year hosting @ $7.37/month = $148.48 + hst
$60 + 2 years hosting @ $7.05/month = $229.16+ hst
$60 + 3 years hosting @ $ 6.95/month = $309.85 + hst

We usually prefer that people go with the 3 year package, as we can add more features to it such as galleries, ability to maintain and update the site on your own, more SEO, provide a couple emails etc. considering time involved. However, you may choose the package that suits your needs.

Just FYI, re: Google search engine optimization (SEO), we offer a 30 day free trial marketing on Facebook and Google for your business, and if you’re satisfied with our services, you can continue for the starter package of $50/month.

Text us back if you’re interested. We can schedule a call with you as well! We also have other options available at our online store.