
3 Year Package **must qualify

$ 309.85



Most Popular! You have to pre-qualify for this package. Please contact us at 226-228-7014. Includes 3 years of hosting where you can easily maintain and update the site on your own.

$60 + 3 years hosting @ $6.95/month = $309.85 + hst

This is a simple site package meant for easy editing of your websites pages, text, and images on your own:



**These sites take us two days to make, so you can maintain and edit the website via drop , click, and drag Page Builder behind our custom coded design in WordPress. Therefore, we are realistically including hosting free to help business gain a professional presence online. We are unable to provide this package to you for just the $60, as our hosting is required to qualify. What we can do to help you out, is honour the hosting when your current host expires; therefore, if you’ve already paid for 2 years of hosting with godaddy.ca as an example, you can then host with us afterwards for the 3 years at that time. Prepayment of this is required.